The Sunekos injectable treatment is a revolutionary amino acid and Hyaluronic Acid combination. By increasing your own elastin and collagen production, you can reverse the effects of aging and feel younger. It helps your skin retain more of its own moisture, volume, and suppleness, and reduce the appearance of dark eye circles.
Sunekos is a wonderful all-natural method of revitalizing the skin and regaining your youthful glow. Getting this procedure done will make your face look better by restoring its natural volume and flexibility. You’ll still have your own, improved appearance.Read on if you want to know how to get rid of dark eye circles and rejuvenate your skin with Sunekos.
How Does Sunekos Work?
Sunekos is a cutting edge injectable treatment that uses a unique combination of Hyaluronic acid and amino acids. Stimulating skin fibroblasts to generate a full complement of elastin and collagen, it reproduces the (ECM) ExtraCellular Matrix. The skin’s suppleness and volume will both improve as a result.
Clinical investigations have demonstrated that Hyaluronic Acid (HA) could activate bio-revitalization from within the skin, leading to fuller, firmer, smoother skin that looks younger and healthier. Together, the HA and the SuneKos-exclusive amino acid blend immediately activate the ExtraCellular Matrix (ECM) fibroblasts responsible for regenerating the dermis, the skin’s live outermost layer.
SuneKos comes in two types, the SuneKos 1200 and SuneKos 200. If you want to treat the first indications of aging, SuneKos 200 is ideal for use on your neck, chest, and hands. If you’ve got deeper, more advanced sagging skin or wrinkles, SuneKos 1200 is utilized together with SuneKos 200 to achieve optimal results. Before beginning treatment, your individual needs would be evaluated, and we’ll talk about our findings with you.
There are four sessions total, with a week or so between them. Each of the 4 sessions is crucial to the overall success of your therapy, and you won’t move on to the next phase unless you’ve finished all of them.
What Does Sunekos Help With?
Because it contains a proprietary combination of amino acids and hyaluronic acid, Sunekos can encourage the body to produce new elastin and collagen, which in turn can help restore your skin’s youthful appearance.
If you want to know how to get rid of dark eye circles, it is worth noting that the product, when injected into the skin, would increase the production of elastin and collagen, the skin’s two main structural proteins.
This indicates that it aids in the restoration of your skin’s biological activities, such as the reduction of wrinkles and the smoothing out of fine lines and the increase in moisture, tone, texture of your skin.
Sunekos could be applied to the cheeks, forehead, eyes, neck, and decolletage to treat bags and dark circles.
As it does not include the injection of a dermal filler or a toxin, it is a more natural therapy that does not raise the risk of looking “done” or “over-filled” by causing the body to produce more of its own collagen.
Sunekos is age-appropriate beginning in your late twenties and has a formulation tailored to the unique needs of skin that has been exposed to the sun for a long time.
How Long Does It Take To Recover?
The procedure usually takes between fifteen and twenty minutes, and afterward there is no downtime. Sunekos treatment typically results in short periods of recuperation. The injection site may develop little lumps that typically go away within a few hours but could take up to 72 hours to entirely vanish. In spite of the fact that the treatment could be done during a lunch break, it is recommended that you schedule it at least two weeks prior to an event where you wouldn’t want any noticeable side effects, as there’s a small risk of swelling or bruising to the treated regions that could develop in the next few hours/days.
Even if you bruise easily, most of the time within a few days you’ll be able to cover it up with makeup.
Sunekos Potential Risks And Negative Effects
Hyaluronic acid injections are generally recognized as a safe medical-surgical practice. But, as is the case with any medical treatment, your body might respond and react in unexpected ways. They include, but are not limited to, the development of bruises, herpes hematomas, bacterial infections, oedemas, cysts, inflammation, and nodules. These responses are possible regardless of how carefully and thoroughly a medical or surgical operation is carried out.